At the end of the day, what do you really want for yourself and your life? What are the results and benefits that you want to accomplish? What will you do to walk away a winner, having what you want?
Below is a list of the tangible, measurable results that you may want:
1. Confidence
2. Accomplishment of your personal goals
3. A strong self-esteem that rockets
4. Trust in yourself and in others
5. An experience of happiness with yourself
6. Creating your own truth and thus making it your reality
7. Freedom
8. Strong, generative passionate relationships
9. Grounded, connected and at ease with life
10. The past in its place
11. Abundance of health, wealth, love, power, success and creativity
12. Creating your passion and sharing it unabashedly
Some very simple questions to ask yourself.
Is there anywhere in your life that you are not recognizing your power, your strength? Think about it.
Do you know who you are?
Do people really know you?
What do you like about yourself?
What do you love about yourself?
Who do you have disagreements with and are you willing to clean them up?
Would you like to create a new image of yourself that reflects your true being?
What’s the quality that you would like to express: courage, compassion, love, trust, etc?
What is in the way of you developing those qualities?
What would you look like with your new quality?
What would it provide for your life?
How can you make your life a priority?
Are disempowered thoughts keeping you trapped and robbing you of your self-worth?