Last week I was exploring how the past impacts my life in areas that are so young that I did not know that I even had those barriers. I don’t realize these barriers exist until something triggers a response. I do not have the memory of what happened just the response I created to survive. I also got to see that even though I am playing and having fun in my life, I am not really playing in areas of my life that matter to me. One area is a love relationship as I don’t have a man. I also saw that while I am very serious about my business, there is no play in that area at all.
I also got to see a big fat area of my life where there is no play. I have no play in the area of money and that I do not relate to money as a fun tool. My adult life has no real spontaneity of play. So, knowing that I am taking a look from where I am now and creating where I would like to go. What will it take to upgrade my inner conversations t0 first class so I have a first class that is created with ease, grace and freedom.
There is an old adage that says whatever you want, give it away. So I am creating having a first class life in all areas of my life with a focus of love, and abundance and I plan on sharing this with you.

The questions below are something for you to ask yourself.
- Where in your life is play missing and what would you be willing to do to put play back in?
- Answer these questions honestly to yourself. You can even answer them with another person.
- When you talk with others, are you in monologue or dialogue? Could you share more of yourself by being in a open and free dialogue? Yes or No? If yes, try it?
Play exists in conversations and is a back and forth experience.
- What is your experience of play? Is it hard work, easy or do you just not play at all?
- Are you having relationships and conversations that are back and forth – free of jumping to conclusions, experiences upsets, releasing anger and losing control?
- Does playing make you feel uncomfortable?
Think back to when you were a child and were really good at playing:
- What were your favorite games?
- When you became an adult, did you notice that you stopped playing in your life? When and why did you stopped playing?
- What are the nature of the kinds of conversations you are currently having in your life? Are they complaints? Are your conversations exciting and happy? Or are your conversations leaving you exhausted or afraid?