The first 10 people who read this article and email me at noreen@noreensumptercoach.com will receive a 15 minute focus session to discover what it is they are really looking for!
In reading a copy of Dr. Robert Anthony’s Advanced Formula For Total Success (which is so old it’s falling apart; the edges are brown), this book now my new favorite thing.
What are you looking for? Last year, I could not find a date even if I paid for one (I’m exaggerating). That was what life and dating looked like for me. So I created a workshop entitled Calling in the One Unapologetically with the intention of sharing the course with other women. This year I have dates coming out of the woodwork! Men are complimenting me all over the place. Men are looking me up and down and smiling. Also, men who want to date but have some issue that blocks them, such as a devastating disappointment and heart break they cannot even pull the trigger to show up on a date.
Instead of the upset I used to have, I now have compassion. Because through leading this workshop, I too am learning about myself as well as learning about others. I am making available what I uncover for myself and providing the space for other women to uncover what is going on for them, also – having a relationship of their dreams, a love of their lives. Whether it be a man or a woman, they get to experience what the vision of their relationship would look like and they get to have an experience of who they would like to be in a relationship.
When you know what you are looking for in a relationship you can have it. Consider that you’re looking to have a relationship, or you are already in one. Notice that as soon as you settle yourself into what you want, you are able to see it all over the place. The moment I settled myself into having a relationship, all kinds of men started showing up. It’s like with anything, the moment you decide – whether it’s a job, or clients, a lover, or an amount of money – the opportunities start showing up and the information becomes available.
When I had no idea of what I wanted in a man, I could not see men and they were passing by all of the time. For years I was having the hardest time dating! Knowing exactly what kind of relationship I wanted helped me distinguished the kind of man I wanted and then my awareness of all this helped me obtain it.
If you don’t know what you want, whatever that is, the information on how to get it will not come through. And if somehow it does magically come through, you will most likely not notice it. No matter what you want in your life, you have to start saying something different and something that has value before you can have it – so it is important to always stay in tune with your declarations.
Live Life Your Way,
Noreen Sumpter Life Coach