Protecting Animals | Live Life Your Way


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There is something for everyone to commit to in society. Pei Su has worked with the world society for the protection of animals for 2 decades.

People love animals. However, love and relationships with animals are very different in other countries outside of America. In some Asian Countries, there are such things as bear farming, illegal wildlife trades and the left-behind children who investigate that stuff.

Join me as I speak with Pei Su from ACTA Asia as she shares about her work and what is happening. She says many of society’s issues are not a quick fix.

Segment 1:

Noreen begins the show introducing her guest, Pei Su. Noreen talks about how they met and how she thinks what Pei is doing stuff that influences other people to do it with her. Pei Su first talks about her work and volunteer experience in Taiwan. She then talks about why she decided to leave Taiwan. Pei then talks about the difference she saw how animals are treated in other countries outside of America.

Segment 2:

Noreen came back talking about the cultural differences that they saw between each country. Such as it is very common in America that people let their dogs get in to their houses or walk them but in some other countries dog lives in the backyard and they are not allowed to go in to the house. Pei also talks about how she had once talked to a five year old kid about his dog. The kid likes the dog but his mother did not allow him to play with the dog because she said the dog is very dirty. She talks about how kids mind is formed by their parents and it affects how they treat the animals.

Segment 3:

Noreen came back talks about the importance of educating kids and parents at the same time.

Pei also talks about the charity that she works to improve the kids that was left behind, she is trying to improve their education with fifteen dollars for one child to learn ten lessons. Pei then talks about her thoughts about the Climate changes in China and how she thinks it can be improved.

Segment 4:

Pei continuous to talk about how she wants to make some changes and help the left behind children. Pei also talks about how kids are seeing their parents as role models. Noreen phrase it as “they don’t do what they what we tell them to do, they do what they see us doing” Kids copy what their parents are doing in their early stage which means the parents acting is very important.