Limitless Potential | Live Life Your Way

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Join Noreen as she mashes it up with Carmen Dollinger, personal, life and spiritual counseling.

When Noreen thinks of the color yellow, she thinks of Carmen. A few years ago Carmen helped her clear out some blocks that she had been carrying around.

Tune in and listen to what could have been a negative relation become an extremely positive one.  Join with love and light as we mash it up on Beyond Potential: Live Life Your Way..

Segment 1

Noreen explains the rearrangement of her closet and dresser. She gets rather emotional about how neat and organized everything is now. She’s going to do the same reorganization with her kitchen and living room in the near future. She says it’s all about structuring and organizing your life. She then introduces her guest Carmen Dollinger who personal, life and spiritual counselor who lives in Atlanta. They met at an event in Atlanta and instantly clicked. They say they have great energy between them even though they don’t see each other that often. Dolly was originally working in corporate America until she left her job and tapped into her spiritual side, which she’s always had a passion for.

Segment 2

Carmen explains her upbringing in Germany and finding her interest in life and spiritual coaching. She says that working a corporate job put her real passion in the background, but she was still able to find outlets to express it. She then talks about the sacred sites that she gives tours on throughout Europe. One specific area she goes to is the countryside of Ireland and she takes people to sacred wells throughout the country. She has a wide range of people with various traditions who come on these tours. She then talks about the impact that these tours have on her emotionally.

Segment 3

Carmen talks about some of the things she had to sacrifice in order to follow her passion. She says it’s all been worth it as she’s constantly amazed by the different synergies she sees when she goes through these spiritual journies with other people. Noreen and Carmen talk about what it’s like coaching people and trying to help people out of their problems. They both discuss the connection they feel to their clients and how important that is. They emphasize the importance of balancing their client’s energy fields.

Segment 4

Carmen talks about living your life in harmony and taking all the different parts of your life and making sure they work together. There are many different things that people can do that can alter the balance in their life. She makes sure her clients know how important it is to make time for yourself. The most important person in your life is you, so this is an essential step in finding balance. Carmen then talks about her most profound spiritual experience, which happened in a national park in Wyoming.