Love, friends, sun, sea, and sand in Barbados. I am happy and so proud of my work. I love my coaching, and I am honored to say that my work works. I have always been a proponent of life coaching. It works if the client works it. I have always said and known that my work works and that my clients get results when they take the coaching. That is my commitment. I am only as good as the results the clients get because they are committed to doing the work. I am committed to that.
It is an honor and privilege to be a Personal Life Coach, to have people fulfill their goals, dreams, and desires and be a contribution.
A client of mine, after doing my workshop Calling in the One Unapologetically, she met a man and started dating him. Two years later after building a fantastic relationship, and getting to know each other, they tied the knot and were married in Barbados. And, of course, yours truly was there to witness the happy event with my own eyes. I love that and felt proud of my work personified! I Iove when my clients get great jobs or promotions, fulfill their dreams, purchase things they desire like cars, pay off debt, end relationships that don’t work, honor themselves, heal family wounds, or forgive themselves and others. I’m happy for them. I am so glad for the work that I do and the space that I create for clients. Going to a wedding and witnessing a marriage that was just a dream, is the best experience ever! Calling in the One Unapologetically will be starting again in the summer online. Call for further information 917-945-5907
Congratulations, Dorian and Dean!