Focus on the Big Picture
When I want to start or create something that I have never done before- be it exercise or something that calls for growth, development, and consistency- I find that it is important for me to take a look at the whole picture and then take bite-size pieces that I create instead of trying to figure out. Why not figure out? Well, I can only figure out things I have done before. So if it’s something that I have not created before, there is no way to figure it out. You need to be honest, committed, and supportive which can show up in many different ways that I have not yet figured out. Take myself, for instance, I have been working out on and off for years. I have been consistent with my inconsistencies. Long periods of working out then stopping. However, the stopping periods have become shorter. I have learned that I stopped because I wanted to experience immediate success and then got discouraged. (Folly) Well, I know and have rediscovered that immediate success is possible and not possible. You might ask, “What is Noreen talking about?” Let me just say that exercise gives incremental success. With exercise it is something I feel. However, I cannot see it. Let’s look at doing push-ups. Doing 10 in the beginning was difficult. However, when I had a coach, or I was being responsible, my coach would not let me stop. His name was Dr. Evil. I’d do 10 push-ups 3 times a week in my overall workout. Then the following week, the same amount of push-ups became easier. Let’s look at me running on the “Dreadmill”, or treadmill. Five minutes was forever when I started – lungs busting out, wanting to vomit down my T-shirt and on the coach. As I continued, it became easier. I was looking for instant results in my body. Did I lose 1/4 inch? No. What I have since learned with my on again off again workout pattern is:
1. I do not like working out. However, working out loves me.
2. My BMI does not happen in the gym or on the “Dreadmill”; it happens in the kitchen.
3. I have committed to an overall vision of my health- big picture of what I need to do to create better health.
This means I do not have to like working out. I can enjoy working out. I can create a good understand and structure for what I put in my mouth. I will get fitter, tighter, leaner and experience overall greatness inside my body. So, I have learned to cut myself a good amount on slack. Stop when I need to and start again when I’m ready and be responsible for the results I get or do not get and the pain I have to experience when I don’t wash, rinse and repeat the process I have learned. In conclusion, everything I do is a commitment, and my commitment is consistency. I do not have to do anything alone. I don’t have to like it. It lives in my commitment to my health.
Dream Big and End the Cycle
I am powerful.
I am passionate.
I love to take action.
I know that I can be successful.
Do you say things like this about yourself?
You know these things about yourself yet know something is still missing?
Well, if you are reading this note, you’re in the correct place.
You’re powerful, passionate, action-oriented, and successful. However, you can’t see your eyeballs, and you require some reflection. The mirror in your bathroom is not enough, and it can be annoying because you’re not getting any answers. You might be sick of this hum that you keep hearing.
Your biggest challenge is that you’re an extraordinary achiever and the people in your circle are not playing at the level that you are. You might be dumbing yourself down, plunging head first into an abyss of frustration that is hindering you and holding you back from what is possible in your life.
I am an expert at helping you go beyond your potential to live life your way. I will help you reach your levels of success by coaching you to connect to your truth and step into your power, success, creativity, and abundance.
You have been doing what you know to do which now looks like a what I call the wash, rinse, and repeat cycle. You might have heard it that said before, or you’ve experienced it. You might even have a checklist to the fact. However, that process, despite your success, is losing its effectiveness, and the sequence is not going to provide you with the success you want.
In fact, the qualities that have had you experience this success are dated and are losing their juice which might be causing you frustration and, in turn, a loss of self. You might even hear yourself saying things like, “I always know what to do and now I don’t, and that is not me.” Well, my dear, it is you. If you keep doing what you have always done, you will get what you have always gotten. I am here to tell you, you’re dated, and it might be time for an upgrade.
Through my work, I have discovered and experienced qualities or ways of being that help high achievers to be successful and to move forward. Being held back can become a curse and a blessing at the same time, making you a jack of all and a master of none.
You’re a visionary; you’re able to dream big and create. You have an unbelievable amount of projects. You have incompleted projects, and you have so many options which are detrimental to your success. You know these people. They are filled with ideas and have a hard time starting.
Exponential success. You experience success quickly. However, you judge, access, and make yourself wrong because it seems like you’re not working hard enough. And you suffer a sense of worthlessness (your private hell) because of your judgments. People around think you’re amazing and powerful. However, you don’t feel good enough, smart enough. So you’re hiding out and feeling like a fake because you’re able to create exponential success in a short period. You get what you want when you take action.
You know you’re not as productive as you could be.
You know you don’t have to work as hard as the average person, and if you don’t watch out, you’ll know you can get stuck in your life. Not being as productive as possible, and you know it. Your truth is only you know that you’re underperforming because most people think you’re a rock star, and you have no one to hold you accountable to your goals and actions.
You are a problem-solver. You get inspired and energized by challenges. Where most people struggle, burn out around problems, you solve them in a beat. This has you keeping to yourself and struggling to meet your long-term goals without support and accountability.
You never get the support you require because you do not share. People think that you don’t need it. People are intimidated by you because they see you as a person that doesn’t require help. So, you are a lone ranger who is not accountable to anyone, not even yourself, missing out on creating the relationships with people who would be so happy to help you.
You focus on the future, not living in the present moment. So, you work toward the future, forgetting to live in the present, missing out on the life that you want to create.
As a high achiever, you do not get the opportunity to engage with people in a whole, complete, and perfect way. The higher your status- be it a career, economics, or just your way of being- people around you never know the true you. You don’t share and open up to others, and in turn, people are not open to speaking their truth. It is hard for them to be there because you cannot say what your “truth” is. When you are a top performer, you have a small number of people who are able or willing to speak, be courageous, and say the things that you need to hear. As a high achiever, it can be a lonely world.
I am the only person in my client’s world who will speak honestly with them. I don’t give you mud covered with icing and tell you it’s cake. It’s mud no matter what. I don’t sugar coat. You pay me for support, truth, reflection, and accountability so that you can fulfill your dreams, goals, and desires. I tell it to you as I hear it by reflecting back to you so that you can see and hear your bullshit. I am not here to please you. I am your coach. I tell you what others are not bold or courageous enough to say. I coach from an authentic and vulnerable space.
Calling in the One Unapologetically
Calling in the One Unapologetically (CITOU) is an event for people who want to expand their capacity to give and receive love in all areas of their life.
It is a 9-week workshop that is held every Thursday at 7:00-9:00 pm. It is for people who are frustrated and stymied by relationships and would like some help with it. CITOU is an opportunity focus attention on the areas you need.
In CITOU you will take responsibility for clearing away obstacles that have been holding you back, transform your mindset and have your inner self-match up with your outer self. Rid yourself of those things that have been holding you back from expressing yourself and creating the life to bring in the perfect partner for you. In CITOU you will become a creator instead of a reactor you will use your imagination to create your personal reality instead of using it to escape from Reality. CITOU is truly wonderful, conducted with amazing teamwork and exciting experience You will want to think about your life, love, and choices. For further information contact 917-945-5907. This workshop is a coed space and it is gender and sexual preference safe. It is a space to grow, share and develop.
Class begins Feb 22 and ends April 19
Early Bird pricing ends Jan 31: $497
Standard Registration: $997
My Perfect Client
- My clients inspire me to do great work, and, in turn, they produce great results.
- I have high expectations for my clients, and I’m hardcore with them. I don’t baby them.
- When clients reach their goals, I help them go beyond their potential. (If Richard Branson didn’t go beyond his potential, he would’ve gone down with Virgin Records.)
- My fees inspire clients to invest in themselves so they know their value and know how much they’re worth.
- My clients develop confidence and are never lonely at the top of their game. They ask for what they want. Their energy is abundant, and people want to be around them.
- I turn up the heat by asking thought-provoking questions that top performers crave and dig deep to get answers that help my clients meet their desired goals.
- I work with interesting, extraordinary people who are committed to being happy in their life. This is my goal.
- I build trust, take risks, make bold requests, lead (powerfully), hide nothing, and hold nothing back.
Connect with me if you are ready to own your voice, speak your truth, and Live Life Your Way!
Let’s Go Beyond Potential!
Focus on what you can achieve. You are human, and you can have whatever you want. Look at your life and notice that everything you’ve got, you’ve created. All of it. The things that work and the things that don’t. If the things in your life aren’t serving you, start the change process by owning your voice, speaking your truth and living life your way.
If you believe you can, you will. Furthermore, it’s none of your business what people think about you. Teachers, parents, and friends say terrible things when we’re young and those words, if you believe them, will crush your spirit. Don’t let them.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Today is a day for giving thanks. I woke from my bed this morning feeling emotional and challenged. During my daily practice of gratitude, I thought about Thanksgiving. In that moment, I chose to see Thanksgiving for what it means to me.
I’m not American, and I often forget about Thanksgiving until the week before. However, I see my gratitude for my life in all its iterations, whether in its present state of being up or down, life going the way I want or not. No matter what, I’m grateful.
I’m grateful for the fantastic opportunities I’ve had this year. Thankful for love, for being in a relationship, which at times was beautiful and other times not. Grateful for learning to keep my heart open when at times I wanted to put it in a vault, slam the door, and keep it there.
I’m grateful for having the opportunity to expand my capacity to give and receive love and be open in ways that I never thought possible.
I’m grateful to have loved people who have not always enjoyed my friendship the way I wanted, yet accepting that they loved me the way they could. (I’ve been that person; now I have a view from both sides). I’m thankful for my family and for my brothers, even though their love is distant and may appear cold.
I’m grateful for the people and friendships that are no longer physically present in my life- friends who have supported me with my dreams no matter what. When times were not so good or great, you were not forgotten and the memories we created will always live in my cells – for they have helped me grow into the person that I am today.
I’m grateful for my health, for my inner strength to manage, accept, and control my diabetes, for being able to make myself right whereas before I would have trashed myself for failing and given up altogether.
I’m grateful for my amazing clients who provide me with financial security, for their love and their families, taking themselves on in ways that have empowered them and the people around them to be open and live in the unlived parts of their lives. I’m grateful to have a career that I’m in love with and to be appreciated by clients, old and new, as well as the ones that I haven’t met yet.
I’m grateful to know love and to receive love; it must be given with no thought of its return. Love is my gift for which no return is demanded.
I’m grateful for my economic challenges, for learning and putting into practice the understanding that money is a means to acquire goods and services and not an actual measure of my worth.
I’m grateful for all the books that I’ve read and for the authors, teachers, lovers, and friends who contributed to my dreams for if my dreams didn’t manifest, I wouldn’t expand.
Giving thanks. I give thanks for the power to love, think, laugh, imagine, create, plan, and speak. I give thanks for honoring my gifts. I can choose to cry for unfulfilled dreams, let failure beat me down or let circumstances trample my self-esteem and sacrifice my potential for the illusion of security, but I choose not to. I honor my individuality. Thank you for my humanity and the humanity of us all on this planet.
This Thanksgiving, find one thing you can authentically be thankful for and share it with another soul.
Not sure what you’re thankful for? Reach out to me, and we can talk about it! Visit my website and make an appointment for a FREE 15 minute call and I’m positive we’ll find plenty of things to be grateful for!
Love yourself! Until next time!
Noreen Sumpter | The Potentiator |
Personal Life Coach
The Workshop by Noreen Sumpter
Are you dissatisfied with life?
Are parts of your life not working the way you want?
Do you feel like you’ve tried everything & nothing works?
The Workshop is a LIVE small group workshop created to help you remove blocks in your life and release yourself from being stuck. This program is designed to help you take steps towards expanding and inventing yourself to create the life of your dreams! Jam packed with discovery sessions,investigative homework assignments and introspective questions encouraging you to dig deep, this LIVE, four week workshop is sure to make a change in your life. The Workshop begins Tuesday April 14th 7:30pm (EDT)
If You Think the Workshop Might Be For You
Click here for more info!
If you feel constantly stuck and are ready to SPEAK YOUR TRUTH, OWN YOUR VOICE and LIVE LIFE YOUR WAY, then click below to sign up and join us April 114h! For all session dates and payment info click link below.
The London Workshop
Are you dissatisfied with life?
Are parts of your life not working the way you want?
Do you feel like you’ve tried everything & nothing works?
The Workshop is a LIVE small group workshop created to help you remove blocks in your life and release yourself from being stuck. This program is designed to help you take steps towards expanding and inventing yourself to create the life of your dreams! Jam packed with discovery sessions,investigative homework assignments and introspective questions encouraging you to dig deep, this LIVE, four week workshop is sure to make a change in your life. The Workshop begins Tuesday April 11th 7:30pm (GMT)
If You Think the Workshop Might Be For You
Click here for more info!
If you feel constantly stuck and are ready to SPEAK YOUR TRUTH, OWN YOUR VOICE and LIVE LIFE YOUR WAY, then click below to sign up and join us April 11th! For all session dates and payment info click link below.
Happy New Year
I had the most moving and insightful year. I grew, and I expanded. I loved and lost and grew some more. I had my share of ups and down and through it all. I love my life and my life is amazing. I am truly grateful. So with that. I Charge you with having an amazing New Year.
Expect the unexpected.
Embrace the unknown
Welcome your failures,
Truth is, we never fail. For through these experiences we have balance and we will have the Best of 2016. HAPPY NEW YEAR.
Tea is Served: Please Join Me on Saturday, January 9th
Tea and Coaching with Noreen Sumpter Life Coach
Location: The Herbshoppe
394 Atlantic Avenue Brooklyn NY 11217
Date: Saturday, January 9th
Start Time: 1:00pm to 2:45
Price: $20.00
Introduction to Calling in the One Unapologetically. Expand your capacity to give and receive love in all areas of your life authentically while having tea. Start expressing the love that you are by taking action owning your true self and loving it.
The participants said the Introduction to Calling in the One Unapologetically was such a wonderful experience.
“I really learned a lot about myself from this one evening and it wasn’t even the workshop. I am happy I came and it was better than what I expected.”
Please RSVP – space is very limited.
917 945 5907
Tea is Served: Please Join Me This Saturday, December 19th
Just a reminder!
Tea and Coaching with Noreen Sumpter Life Coach
Location: The Herbshoppe
394 Atlantic Avenue Brooklyn NY 11217
Date: Saturday, December 19th
Start Time: 1:00pm to 2:45
Price: $20.00
Introduction to Calling in the One Unapologetically. Expand your capacity to give and receive love in all areas of your life authentically while having tea. Start expressing the love that you are by taking action owning your true self and loving it.
The participants said the Introduction to Calling in the One Unapologetically was such a wonderful experience.
“I really learned a lot about myself from this one evening and it wasn’t even the workshop. I am happy I came and it was better than what I expected.”
Please RSVP – space is very limited.
917 945 5907
Tea is Served
The participants said the Introduction to Calling in the One Unapologetically was such a wonderful experience.
“I really learned a lot about myself from this one evening and it wasn’t even the workshop. I am happy I came and it was better than what I expected.”
“I heard you, I listened and I went back to my office and I created.”
Noreen Sumpter, founder and creator of the Program “Live Life Your Way” who was born and raised in South East London, will be combining Great Britain’s love of tea and her love of Personal Life Coaching while introducing Calling in the One Unapologetically as an afternoon High Tea Conversation.
If you’d like to expand your capacity to give and receive love in all areas of your life that matter and are important to you, Introduction to Calling in the One Unapologetically is for you.
Location: The Herbshoppe, 394 Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn NY
Date: Saturday, November 21st
Start Time: 1:00pm to 2:45; and more tea at 3:00 – 4:45 pm
Price: $40.00
Please RSVP – space is very limited.
Tea is Served!