I cannot express how the people of Boston must be feeling. All I can remember is the day 9/11 happened, I couldn’t make sense of what happened. I couldn’t find a place in my mind to make sense of what was happening. Today, years later, it’s still not clear to me that this kind of atrocity is still happening and will continue to happen. And for what? Difference of a opinion, religious belief, human separations.

When this kind of thing occurs, it feels as it is not real. I find it incomprehensible that human lives are ended and blood is being spilled for no reason that I can understand.
The day of 9/11, the only place that I could look was fiction, as it was hard for me to believe that this was really happening. I was looking for Will Smith to come and save us. Independence Day style. That was fiction and that is where my mind went. Today, some years later, I cannot make sense of all this madness that is happening in our cities. All can say is that Boston, you are in our hearts and mind. You are not alone.